Hi! My name is Cara, and I am the owner of Sweet November Piercing. The studio is located in San Bruno, CA, where we offer a range of ear and nose piercing services. Whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned piercee, Sweet November Piercing provides a safe and comfortable experience. So come and visit me today, and let me help you achieve the look you've always wanted!
All appointments booked require a NON-REFUNDABLE deposit. Deposits will go toward your service fee during the appointment. If you cancel after the 12 hour mark, you will be charged the entire service fee & are required to put a new deposit down when rebooking. You are allowed to reschedule once prior to the 12 hour mark. After the 1st reschedule you will lose your deposit & be required to put a new deposit down. No show clients & anyone who disputes the non refundable deposit will be banned from booking again. If you are more then 10 minutes late your appointment, may be cancelled and you will need to rebook and make a new deposit.